Zhong-Qiu Wang

Hi, this is Zhong-Qiu Wang (in Chinese: 王中秋) from Chongqing, China, a 3D city renowned for its magical landscape, spicy food, and rap music.
I am currently a Tenure-Track Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in Shenzhen, China.
My research interest includes (but is not limited to):
• Speech and audio signal processing
  ○ Speech separation
    ‐ Speaker separation
    ‐ Speech enhancement
    ‐ Speech dereverberation
  ○ Hearing aids design
  ○ Active noise control
  ○ Microphone array signal processing
  ○ Robust automatic speech recognition
  ○ Computer audition / machine listening
• Brain-computer interface
• Ocean acoustics
• Deep learning
• Artificial intelligence

Email: wang.zhongqiu41 AT gmail.com / wangzq3 AT sustech.edu.cn

[CV] [Google Scholar] [LinkedIn]

Our group has openings for Master students (保研/考研), Ph.D. students, Post-docs, Research Associates (研究助理), and visiting students. Our group also warmly welcomes undergraduate students. If you are interested in joining us, please send me your CV or visit my office in person.


• Tenure-Track Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Southern University of Science and Technology, Jul. 2024 ~ present.
• Postdoctoral Research Associate, Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, Sep. 2021 ~ Jul. 2024.
• Visiting Research Scientist, Speech and Audio Group at Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Jun. 2020 ~ Aug. 2021.
• Research Intern, Sound Understanding Team at Google AI Perception, May 2019 ~ Aug. 2019.
• Research Intern, Speech and Audio Group at Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, May 2017 ~ Aug. 2017.
• Research Intern, Audio and Acoustics Research Group at Microsoft Research Redmond, May 2016 ~ Aug. 2016.


• Ph.D., Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The Ohio State University, USA, Aug. 2013 ~ May 2020.
• M.Sc., Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The Ohio State University, USA, Aug. 2013 ~ Aug. 2017.
• B.Eng., School of Computer Science and Technology at Harbin Institute of Technology, China, Aug. 2009 ~ Jul. 2013.


[4] Z.-Q. Wang, "ctPuLSE: Close-Talk, and Pseudo-Label Based Far-Field, Speech Enhancement", in arxiv preprint arXiv:2407.19485, 2024. [Sound Demo]
[3] R. Sachdev, Z.-Q. Wang, and C.-H. H. Yang, "Evolutionary Prompt Design for LLM-Based Post-ASR Error Correction", in arxiv preprint arXiv:2407.16370, 2024.
[2] Z.-Q. Wang, "SuperM2M: Supervised and Mixture-to-Mixture Co-Learning for Speech Enhancement and Robust ASR", in arxiv preprint arXiv:2403.10271, 2024. [Sound Demo]
[1] Z.-Q. Wang, G. Wichern, and J. Le Roux, "Leveraging Low-Distortion Target Estimates for Improved Speech Enhancement", in arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.00570, 2021. [Code]

Journal Publications

[15] Z.-Q. Wang, "USDnet: Unsupervised Speech Dereverberation via Neural Forward Filtering", in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing (IEEE/ACM TASLP), vol. 32, pp. 3882-3895, 2024. [Sound Demo]
[14] Y.-J. Lu, X. Chang, C. Li, W. Zhang, S. Cornell, Z. Ni, Y. Masuyama, B. Yan, R. Scheibler, Z.-Q. Wang, Y. Tsao, Y. Qian, and S. Watanabe, "Software Design and User Interface of ESPnet-SE++: Speech Enhancement for Robust Speech Processing", in Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS), vol. 8, iss. 91, 5403, 2023.
[13] Z.-Q. Wang, S. Cornell, S. Choi, Y. Lee, B.-Y. Kim, and S. Watanabe, "TF-GridNet: Integrating Full- and Sub-Band Modeling for Speech Separation", in IEEE/ACM TASLP, vol. 31, pp. 3221-3236, 2023. [Sound Demo] [Code]
[12] D. Petermann, G. Wichern, A. Subramanian, Z.-Q. Wang, and J. Le Roux, "Tackling The Cocktail Fork Problem for Separation and Transcription of Real-World Soundtracks", in IEEE/ACM TASLP, vol. 31, pp. 2592-2605, 2023.
[11] Z.-Q. Wang, G. Wichern, S. Watanabe, and J. Le Roux, "STFT-Domain Neural Speech Enhancement with Very Low Algorithmic Latency", in IEEE/ACM TASLP, vol. 31, pp. 397-410, 2022.
[10] K. Tan, Z.-Q. Wang, and D.L. Wang, "Neural Spectrospatial Filtering", in IEEE/ACM TASLP, vol. 30, pp. 605-621, 2022.
[9] Z.-Q. Wang, G. Wichern, and J. Le Roux, "Convolutive Prediction for Monaural Speech Dereverberation and Noisy-Reverberant Speaker Separation", in IEEE/ACM TASLP, vol. 29, pp. 3476-3490, 2021.
[8] Z.-Q. Wang, P. Wang, and D.L. Wang, "Multi-Microphone Complex Spectral Mapping for Utterance-Wise and Continuous Speech Separation", in IEEE/ACM TASLP, vol. 29, pp. 2001-2014, 2021. [Sound Demo]
[7] Z.-Q. Wang*, P. Wang*, and D.L. Wang, "Complex Spectral Mapping for Single- and Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement and Robust ASR", in IEEE/ACM TASLP, vol. 28, pp. 1778-1787, 2020. [* denotes equal contribution, Sound Demo]
[6] H. Taherian, Z.-Q. Wang, J. Chang, and D.L. Wang, "Robust Speaker Recognition Based on Single-Channel and Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement", in IEEE/ACM TASLP, vol. 28, pp. 1293-1302, 2020.
[5] Z.-Q. Wang and D.L. Wang, "Deep Learning Based Target Cancellation for Speech Dereverberation", in IEEE/ACM TASLP, vol. 28, pp. 941-950, 2020. Data Generation Code
[4] Y. Zhao, Z.-Q. Wang, and D.L. Wang, "Two-Stage Deep Learning for Noisy-Reverberant Speech Enhancement", in IEEE/ACM TASLP, vol. 27, pp. 53-62, 2019.
[3] Z.-Q. Wang and D.L. Wang, "Combining Spectral and Spatial Features for Deep Learning Based Blind Speaker Separation", in IEEE/ACM TASLP, vol. 27, pp. 457-468, 2019.
[2] Z.-Q. Wang, X. Zhang, and D.L. Wang, "Robust Speaker Localization Guided by Deep Learning Based Time-Frequency Masking", in IEEE/ACM TASLP, vol. 27, pp. 178-188, 2019.
[1] Z.-Q. Wang and D.L. Wang, "A Joint Training Framework for Robust Automatic Speech Recognition", in IEEE/ACM TASLP, vol. 24, pp. 796-806, 2016.

Letter Publications

[3] Z.-Q. Wang, "Mixture to Mixture: Leveraging Close-talk Mixtures as Weak-supervision for Speech Separation", in IEEE Signal Processing Letters (IEEE SPL), vol. 31, pp. 1715-1719, 2024. [Sound Demo]
[2] Z.-Q. Wang and S. Watanabe, "Improving Frame-Online Neural Speech Enhancement with Overlapped-Frame Prediction", in IEEE SPL, vol. 29, pp. 1422-1426, 2022.
[1] Z.-Q. Wang, G. Wichern, and J. Le Roux, "On The Compensation Between Magnitude and Phase in Speech Separation", in IEEE SPL, vol. 28, pp. 2018-2022, 2021.

Conference Publications in ML/AI

[2] Z.-Q. Wang, A. Kumar, and S. Watanabe, "Cross-Talk Reduction", in International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), pp. 5171-5180, 2024. [Sound Demo] [Poster] [Slide]
[1] Z.-Q. Wang and S. Watanabe, "UNSSOR: Unsupervised Neural Speech Separation by Leveraging Over-determined Training Mixtures", in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), pp. 34021-34042, 2023. [Sound Demo] [Poster]

Conference Publications in Speech/Audio

[43] S. Wu, C. Wang, H. Chen, Y. Dai, C. Zhang, R. Wang, H. Lan, J. Du, C.-H. Lee, J. Chen, S. Watanabe, S. Siniscalchi, O. Scharenborg, Z.-Q. Wang, J. Pan, and J. Gao, "The Multimodal Information Based Speech Processing (MISP) 2023 Challenge: Audio-Visual Target Speaker Extraction", in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 8351-8355, 2024.
[42] Y. Lee, S. Choi, B.-Y. Kim, Z.-Q. Wang, and S. Watanabe, "Boosting Unknown-Number Speaker Separation with Transformer Decoder-based Attractor", in ICASSP, pp. 446-450, 2024.
[41] K. Saijo, W. Zhang, Z.-Q. Wang, S. Watanabe, T. Kobayashi, and T. Ogawa, "A Single Speech Enhancement Model Unifying Dereverberation, Denoising, Speaker Counting, Separation, and Extraction", in IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU), 2023.
[40] W. Zhang, K. Saijo, Z.-Q. Wang, S. Watanabe, and Y. Qian, "Toward Universal Speech Enhancement for Diverse Input Conditions", in ASRU, 2023.
[39] S. Cornell, M. Wiesner, S. Watanabe, D. Raj, X. Chang, P. Garcia, Y. Masuyama, Z.-Q. Wang, S. Squartini, and S. Khudanpur, "The CHiME-7 DASR Challenge: Distant Meeting Transcription with Multiple Devices in Diverse Scenarios", in Proceedings of CHiME Challenge, 2023.
[38] Y. Masuyama, X. Chang, W. Zhang, S. Cornell, Z.-Q. Wang, N. Ono, Y. Qian, and S. Watanabe, "Exploring The Integration of Speech Separation and Recognition with Self-Supervised Learning Representation", in IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), 2023.
[37] Z.-Q. Wang, S. Cornell, S. Choi, Y. Lee, B.-Y. Kim, and S. Watanabe, "TF-GridNet: Making Time-Frequency Domain Models Great Again for Monaural Speaker Separation", in ICASSP, 2023.
[36] Z.-Q. Wang, S. Cornell, S. Choi, Y. Lee, B.-Y. Kim, and S. Watanabe, "Neural Speech Enhancement with Very Low Algorithmic Latency and Complexity via Integrated Full- and Sub-Band Modeling", in ICASSP, 2023.
[35] S. Cornell, Z.-Q. Wang, Y. Masuyama, S. Watanabe, M. Pariente, N. Ono, and S. Squartini, "Multi-Channel Speaker Extraction with Adversarial Training: The WAVlab Submission to The Clarity ICASSP 2023 Grand Challenge", in ICASSP, 2023.
[34] S. Cornell, Z.-Q. Wang, Y. Masuyama, S. Watanabe, M. Pariente, and N. Ono, "Multi-Channel Target speaker Extraction with Refinement: The WAVLab Submission to The Second Clarity Enhancement Challenge", in Proceedings of Clarity Challenge, 2022. [Winner (1st/13 submissions) of The 2nd Clarity Enhancement Challenge, challenge description, workshop, demo]
[33] S. Choi, Y. Lee, J. Park, H. Y. Kim, B.-Y. Kim, Z.-Q. Wang, and S. Watanabe, "An Empirical Study of Training Mixture Generation Strategies on Speech Separation: Dynamic Mixing and Augmentation", in Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA-ASC), pp. 1071-1076, 2022.
[32] Y.-J. Lu, X. Chang, C. Li, W. Zhang, S. Cornell, Z. Ni, Y. Masuyama, B. Yan, R. Scheibler, Z.-Q. Wang, Y. Tsao, Y. Qian, and S. Watanabe, "ESPnet-SE++: Speech Enhancement for Robust Speech Recognition, Translation, and Understanding", in Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), pp. 5458-5462, 2022.
[31] Z.-Q. Wang and D.L. Wang, "Localization Based Sequential Grouping for Continuous Speech Separation", in ICASSP, pp. 281-285, 2022.
[30] Y.-J. Lu, Z.-Q. Wang, S. Watanabe, A. Richard, C. Yu, and Y. Tsao, "Conditional Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Speech Enhancement", in ICASSP, pp. 7402-7402, 2022.
[29] Y.-J. Lu, S. Cornell, X. Chang, W. Zhang, C. Li, Z. Ni, Z.-Q. Wang, and S. Watanabe, "Towards Low-Distortion Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement: The ESPNet-SE Submission to The L3DAS22 Challenge", in ICASSP, pp. 9201-9205, 2022. [Winner (1st/17 teams) of L3DAS22 Speech Enhancement Challenge, challenge rankings] [Code]
[28] D. Petermann, G. Wichern, Z.-Q. Wang, and J. Le Roux, "The Cocktail Fork Problem: Three-Stem Audio Separation for Real-World Soundtracks", in ICASSP, pp. 526-530, 2022.
[27] O. Slizovskaia, G. Wichern, Z.-Q. Wang, and J. Le Roux, "Locate This, Not That: Class-Conditioned Sound Event DOA Estimation", in ICASSP, pp. 711-715, 2022.
[26] Z.-Q. Wang, G. Wichern, and J. Le Roux, "Convolutive Prediction for Reverberant Speech Separation", in WASPAA, pp. 56-60, 2021.
[25] G. Wichern, A. Chakrabarty, Z.-Q. Wang, and J. Le Roux, "Anomalous Sound Detection using Attentive Neural Processes", in WASPAA, pp. 186-190, 2021.
[24] Z.-Q. Wang and D.L. Wang, "Count and Separate: Incorporating Speaker Counting for Continuous Speech Separation", in ICASSP, pp. 11-15, 2021.
[23] Z.-Q. Wang, H. Erdogan, S. Wisdom, K. Wilson, D. Raj, S. Watanabe, Z. Chen, and J. R. Hershey, "Sequential Multi-Frame Neural Beamforming for Speech Separation and Enhancement", in IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT), pp. 905-911, 2021.
[22] Z.-Q. Wang and D.L. Wang, "Multi-Microphone Complex Spectral Mapping for Speech Dereverberation", in ICASSP, pp. 486-490, 2020.
[21] H. Taherian, Z.-Q. Wang, and D.L. Wang, "Deep Learning Based Multi-Channel Speaker Recognition in Noisy and Reverberant Environments", in INTERSPEECH, pp. 4070-4074, 2019.
[20] Z.-Q. Wang, K. Tan, and D.L. Wang, "Deep Learning Based Phase Reconstruction for Speaker Separation: A Trigonometric Perspective", in ICASSP, pp. 71-75, 2019.
[19] Z.-Q. Wang and D.L. Wang, "Integrating Spectral and Spatial Features for Multi-Channel Speaker Separation", in INTERSPEECH, pp. 2718-2722, 2018.
[18] Z.-Q. Wang, X. Zhang, and D.L. Wang, "Robust TDOA Estimation Based on Time-Frequency Masking and Deep Neural Networks", in INTERSPEECH, pp. 322-326, 2018.
[17] Z.-Q. Wang and D.L. Wang, "All-Neural Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement", in INTERSPEECH, pp. 3234-3238, 2018.
[16] Z.-Q. Wang, J. Le Roux, D.L. Wang, and J. R. Hershey, "End-to-End Speech Separation with Unfolded Iterative Phase Reconstruction", in INTERSPEECH, pp. 2708-2712, 2018.
[15] Z.-Q. Wang, J. Le Roux, and J. R. Hershey, "Multi-Channel Deep Clustering: Discriminative Spectral and Spatial Embeddings for Speaker-Independent Speech Separation", in ICASSP, pp. 1-5, 2018. [Best Student Paper Award]
[14] Z.-Q. Wang, J. Le Roux, and J. R. Hershey, "Alternative Objective Functions for Deep Clustering", in ICASSP, pp. 686-690, 2018.
[13] Z.-Q. Wang and D.L. Wang, "On Spatial Features for Supervised Speech Separation and its Application to Beamforming and Robust ASR", in ICASSP, pp. 5709-5713, 2018.
[12] Z.-Q. Wang and D.L. Wang, "Mask Weighted STFT Ratios for Relative Transfer Function Estimation and its Application to Robust ASR", in ICASSP, pp. 5619-5623, 2018.
[11] I. Tashev, Z.-Q. Wang, and K. Godin, "Speech Emotion Recognition Based on Gaussian Mixture Models and Deep Neural Networks", in Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA), pp. 1-4, 2017.
[10] Y. Zhao, Z.-Q. Wang, and D.L. Wang, "A Two-stage Algorithm for Noisy and Reverberant Speech Enhancement", in ICASSP, pp. 5580-5584, 2017.
[9] X. Zhang, Z.-Q. Wang, and D.L. Wang, "A Speech Enhancement Algorithm by Iterating Single- and Multi-microphone Processing and its Application to Robust ASR", in ICASSP, pp. 276-280, 2017.
[8] Z.-Q. Wang and D.L. Wang, "Recurrent Deep Stacking Networks for Supervised Speech Separation", in ICASSP, pp. 71-75, 2017.
[7] Z.-Q. Wang and I. Tashev, "Learning Utterance-level Representations for Speech Emotion and Age/Gender Recognition using Deep Neural Networks", in ICASSP, pp. 5150-5154, 2017.
[6] Z.-Q. Wang and D.L. Wang, "Unsupervised Speaker Adaptation of Batch Normalized Acoustic Models for Robust ASR", in ICASSP, pp. 4890-4894, 2017.
[5] Z.-Q. Wang, Y. Zhao, and D.L. Wang, "Phoneme-Specific Speech Separation", in ICASSP, pp. 146-150, 2016. [NSF Student Travel Grant]
[4] Z.-Q. Wang and D.L. Wang, "Robust Speech Recognition from Ratio Masks", in ICASSP, pp. 5720-5724, 2016.
[3] D. Bagchi, M. Mandel, Z. Wang, Y. He, A. Plummer,, and E. Fosler-Lussier, "Combining Spectral Feature Mapping and Multi-channel Model-based Source Separation for Noise-robust Automatic Speech Recognition", in ASRU, pp. 496-503, 2015.
[2] Z.-Q. Wang and D.L. Wang, "Joint Training of Speech Separation, Filterbank and Acoustic Model for Robust Automatic Speech Recognition", in INTERSPEECH, pp. 2839-2843, 2015.
[1] Y. Liu, Z. Wang, M. Guo, and P. Li, "Hidden Conditional Random Field for Lung Nodule Detection", in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 3518-3521, 2014.


[4] Z.-Q. Wang, G. Wichern, and J. Le Roux, "Method and System for Audio Signal Enhancement with Reduced Latency", US Patent Application 18/045,380, 2023.
[3] G. Wichern, A. Chakrabarty, Z.-Q. Wang, and J. Le Roux, "Method and System for Detecting Anomalous Sound", US Patent 11,978,476 B2, 2024.
[2] Z.-Q. Wang, G. Wichern, and J. Le Roux, "Method and System for Dereverberation of Speech Signals", US Patent 11,790,930 B2, 2023.
[1] J. Le Roux, J. R. Hershey, Z. Wang, and G. P. Wichern, "Methods and Systems for End-to-End Speech Separation with Unfolded Iterative Phase Reconstruction", US Patent 10,529,349 B2, 2020.


[1] Z.-Q. Wang, "Deep Learning Based Array Processing for Speech Separation, Localization, and Recognition", Ph.D. Dissertation, The Ohio State University, Apr. 2020.

Professional Services

• Professional Membership
  ○ Committee Member, Speech Dialogue and Auditory Processing Technical Committee (CCF TCSDAP, 语音对话与听觉专业委员会), China Computer Federation, 2024.8 - now
  ○ Committee Member, Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing Technical Committee (AASP-TC), IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2023.1 - 2025.12
• Conference Chair
  ○ Area Chair, "Speech Coding and Enhancement", Interspeech 2024
  ○ Area Chair, "Audio and Speech Source Separation", ICASSP 2024 and 2025
  ○ Challenge Organizer, "CHiME-7 Task 1: Distant automatic speech recognition with multiple devices in diverse scenarios", CHiME workshop 2023
  ○ Special Session Chair, "Resource-efficient real-time neural speech separation", ICASSP 2023
• Meta-Reviewer
  ○ WASPAA 2023, ICASSP 2023
• Journal Reviewer
  ○ Neural Networks
  ○ Speech Communication
  ○ Journal of The Acoustical Society of America
  ○ IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing
  ○ Journal of Signal Processing Systems
  ○ EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing
  ○ Pattern Recognition Letters
  ○ Digital Signal Processing
  ○ IET Signal Processing
  ○ Electronics Letters
• Conference Reviewer
  ○ ICASSP, Interspeech, SLT, WASPAA, ASRU, CHiME workshop, IALP
