Multi-Channel Target Speaker Extraction with Refinement: The WAVLab Submission to the Second Clarity Enhancement Challenge [paper]

Abstract: This paper describes our submission to the Second Clarity Enhancement Challenge (CEC2), which consists of target speech enhancement for hearing-aid (HA) devices, in a noisy/reverberant environment where multiple competing speakers can be present. Our approach is based on the powerful iterative neural/beamforming enhancement (iNeuBe) framework introduced in [1] plud target speaker extraction. For this reason we call our proposed approach iNeuBe-X where the "X" stands for extraction. Compared to [1] several novelties have been introduced in order to address the specific challenges encountered in the CEC2 setting. Importantly, instead of the TCNDenseNet used in [1], we devise a new, multi-channel, causal DNN adapted from a recent work [2] which alone proves to be quite effective. Other novelties regard modifications to ensure low-latency, a new speaker adaptation branch, and a fine-tuning step where we compute an additional loss with respect to a target compensated with the listener audiogram. Our best model with no external data reaches an hearing-aid speech perception index (HASPI) score of 0.942% and a scale invariant signal-to-distortion ratio improvement (SI-SDRi) of 18.83 dB on the development set. This seems remarkable given the fact that the CEC2 data is extremely challenging: e.g on the development set the mixture SI-SDR is -12.78 dB. A demo of our submitted system is available in this page.


Some Examples from CEC2 Development Set

Some Examples from CEC2 Development Set



Anechoic Target (CH1 left)

Input Mixture (CH1 left)

System with No External Data: DNN1 output (no compensation)

System with No External Data: DNN2 output (no compensation)

System with No External Data: DNN2 output (with compensation)


Anechoic Target (CH1 left)

Input Mixture (CH1 left)

System with No External Data: DNN1 output (no compensation)

System with No External Data: DNN2 output (no compensation)

System with No External Data: DNN2 output (with compensation)


Anechoic Target (CH1 left)

Input Mixture (CH1 left)

System with No External Data: DNN1 output (no compensation)

System with No External Data: DNN2 output (no compensation)

System with No External Data: DNN2 output (with compensation)


[1] Lu, Yen-Ju, et al. "Towards Low-Distortion Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement: The ESPNET-Se Submission to the L3DAS22 Challenge." ICASSP 2022-2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE, 2022. [paper]
[2] Wang, Zhong Qiu et al. "TF-MPDNN: Time-Frequency Domain Multi-Path Deep Neural Network for Monaural Anechoic Speaker Separation." In Preparation. 2022 [paper]